How do we explain the great number of those people who speak in the name of Islam today and give it a very bad image that is associated with violence and murder?
These people have a tendency to try and monopolise Islam so as to speak in its name. Each one from amongst them thinks they have the ability to preach Islam and believes that they are amongst those who are its best representatives. It is in this way that they fall into self-satisfaction, egoism, and see their hearts become harder, despite the fact that Islam is a religion of love and peace, and its true essence is a mercy to all the worlds.
These people who seek to monopolise Islam forget that the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) himself used gentleness and wisdom with respect to all - both muslims and non-muslims alike.
They also forget the divine message that was revealed to the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) in the Qur’an in verse 159 chapter 3:
“It is by the mercy of God, (Oh Muhammad) that you are gentle and lenient with them! But if you had been rough (in speech) and harsh in heart, they would’ve left your company. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them (from God) ”
They forget again verse 34 chapter 41: “And as the good action and the bad action are not the same, repel (the bad) by that (action) which is better (the good) and in this way, where there is emnity between you and another, (they may become) as though they were a true devoted friend.”
Those who wish to monopolise Islam also forget the verse 256 chapter 2 “There is no compulsion in (acceptance of) religion.”
We must show kindness towards all beings, have a good opinion about them and behave gently with them and in the best way possible.
Such good behaviour is in reality part of the core principles that are at the heart of Islam.
We also recall the saying of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) “Follow a wrong action with a good action as the good action will wipe out the wrong action”.
Islam insists especially on nobility of behaviour, on the need to live together in harmony, relying on warm and reciprocal communication, sharing values of openness and tolerance, and developing good mutual customs, morals and virtues. In this is constituted the function of Sufism, which naturally aims for the positive reform of the individual so as to avoid the hardening of his or her heart, and so as to avoid a tendency towards a fundamentalism in his or her relationships with others.
Dr Moulay Mounir Al Qadiri Al Boutchich - President of Al-Moultaqa Foundation and BSPC